Introducing 5 important light sources in machine vision and image processing

In machine vision systems and image processing lighting plays an important role. The biggest machine vision experts in the world say that the most sensitive and critical thing in doing a machine vision project is the choice of light source. Choosing the right light source in machine vision systems makes it easy to program image[…]

Lighting training in machine vision and image processing

Machine vision experts believe that choosing the light source is the most challenging part in machine vision systems. If the light is chosen correctly, the programming process will be very simple, and if the light is chosen incorrectly, we are often unable to solve the problem. Unfortunately, the importance of choosing the right light is[…]

Teaching lighting methods in machine vision and image processing

In machine vision and image processing systems, we need proper lighting for taking pictures. Without taking a proper image, we cannot process it properly. But the truth is that without proper lighting to take a photo, we are not able to process that image at all, even with most powerful image processing software ! Our[…]

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